Sterling CJan 31, 2023Humanity of HomelessnessMicky D Talksby Sterling Cunio Last week a group of friends and I sat in a center street McDonalds chatting around a chicken nugget, big mac and...
Sterling CDec 25, 2022Humanity of HomelessnessSanta's Mixed Bagby Sterling Cunio In a Christmas Eve winter storm covering Salem in ice and freezing temperatures, I slid across the hockey rink parking...
Sterling CNov 1, 2022Humanity of HomelessnessMyth of the Rambo Camper“They all have guns” an elderly gray-haired lady said, “every night it’s like the Vietnam war all over again out there.” The ‘there’ she...
Sterling CApr 26, 2022Humanity of HomelessnessA Magic BagImagine a sleeping bag holding the solutions to homelessness. Imagine a sleeping bag providing answers to an ancient problem haunting...